Organization | May 22, 2022 | Michael Kelly | 4510 views
Haymakers Ready To Hit the Field
On the eve of our GBMSL season we reflect on what has gotten us to this point this season.
First of all, we have registered 108 young athletes this season. 108 is a 50% increase over our pre-pandemic registration of 72. We've worked really hard to elevate our program and keep improving in order to provide an exciting & fun culture where our kids can develop and excel. We thank parents and athletes alike for giving us the opportunity to provide them with our programming. We are thrilled that so many kids will be wearing the Navy & Gold this season.
We thank our sponsors who have stepped up in a big way to ensure our niche sport of Fastpitch Softball continues to be an attractive and moderately priced activity for our kids to play in the summer.
We thank our coaches, who without them leading the charge wouldn't be able to provide the quality of programming as we do. Please help them out by using your SportsHeadz App to confirm your attendance each week. Something as small as that, makes their job infinitely easier on game day.
We thank Karen, who has tried to navigate the promotional product industry to ensure kids (eventually) get their new uniforms and our extended family of parents, friends, and fans have an opportunity to get in on the action with some merch. Hopefully next season more product will be readily available, it will be a bit easier to order and turnaround times won't be so bad. Ordering info to be posted soon.
We thank Lorrianne, who has wrangled up and scheduled some umpires for the season. As will seemingly everything umpires are in high demand and short supply. Let's make sure we all treat them well, and focus on the great things our kids are getting to do while the umpires themselves try to perfect their craft.
We thank Taylor, who will be publishing our article in each Springwater News edition this season. Making sure information is available and accessible is important to us, so this is greatly appreciated.
We thank Elmvale Minor Ball, who has partnered with us to provide access to their fields for the season. One of our goals for next season is to get ourselves more access to our home field in Hillsdale, so we can play in front of more family and friends.
We thank everybody else who has gotten us to this point. It's going to be a great season!!
Let's Play Ball!!