Competitive / OASA Update, News (Hillsdale Athletes)

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Mar 27, 2022 | Michael Kelly | 4675 views
Competitive / OASA Update
Just a quick update on our competitive programming as the GBMSL meeting held last Tuesday has had us pivot somewhat.

Firstly, we have abandoned the idea of having our teams playing the division higher within the GBMSL.  Viability of GBMSL programming to support it, and consistency are the reasons we have moved away from that idea.

The remainder of the plans remain the same.  1 practice per week, and 3 tournaments throughout the summer (1 in Jun, Jul, & Aug).  The cost will also be revisited with the expenses related to league play now gone.

Secondly, we can now announce the coaches of the teams.

U11 - Cullen Fay (Wyevale)
U13 - Michael Kelly (Hillsdale)

Thirdly, we have posted the tryout schedule to the website.  There will be 3 tryouts per team in late April / Early May, after which the team rosters will be posted.

Tryout Schedule

Should you have any questions reach out to [email protected]